Proverbs 3:23-24 Then you will go safely on your way, and you will not hurt your foot. When you lie down, you will not be afraid. As you lie there, your sleep will be sweet.
Hello everyone,
Welcome to 'Adventures in Housekeeping' a blog that will document my time at the Cannon Beach Conference Center (CBCC). As per the title I'll be working in the housekeeping department. Living in a dorm and 30 feet from the PACIFIC OCEAN!
First a little back story; My mom went to the conference center for a women's retreat and came home to inform me of their summer staff program. In need of more employment and with little to loose I applied (Saturday) the following Monday they called me to schedule a phone interview. They said that they'd call with one answer or the other before the weekend. Super stoked all week, Friday arrives. I was awake at 5 am (the interview was between 8 am-5pm) Kicking around on Netflix for a few hours I waited. And waited, and waited. FINALLY impatient, I called THEM! As it turned out the head of the department was going call to tell me to say that I GOT THE JOB! I was so excited I nearly cried on the phone! After answering a few more questions and a double checks it was settled. I was so excited! (still am)
Now, with less than 48 hours before I leave I'm saying my good-byes and realizing how much I'm going to miss my family and friends. This will be a grand adventure of self-discovery, making new friends, reconnecting with God and living out a dream of living at the beach.
Journey with me for the next 100 days of summer. I hope it will be both informative and entertaining. See you soon!
God bless,